Sunday, May 31, 2009

A carrot? Really?

This is Lucy. Daddy's little princess. And we just discovered that she loves carrots.

Have you ever seen a face so excited to see a carrot?

We even caught her standing on her hind legs like a human,
peeking into the trashcan trying to get a carrot peel.
What a weird dog.
Happy Sunday.
The End.

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's gonna be a good day.

I haven't posted in AGES, and aloooot has happened in my life, holy smokes! But I just had to share this picture. Yesterday, in the midst of the gorgeous sunshine, a couple of friends and I hiked down to snoqualmie falls, and it was amazing. Look at that rainbow! (and that's a cell phone picture!) ahhhh. It's a fun place, and an easy 15 minute "hike". I saw a little 3 year old boy trekkin that hill, and even a 70 somethin year old man. Anyone can do it, and the view is priceless.

Gosh, It's gonna be a good day. I can just feel it. Somethin' about this sunshine.

28 days until I'm outta here.

:) xxo.