Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meet the love of my life:

Jenson Chad Argyle.
7lbs. 3oz. 19 inches
born July 17th

He's perfect.
and she's the cutest mom, ever.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh Baby!

Crossing my fingers, that when I'm all prego and stuff, that I look this cute.
Kelci's been a little bit busy, so I'm posting this for her.

Baby Jenson Chad Argyle should be here within today, or tomorrow.
And I'm still in Washington.
Not Happy.
Thinking about walking to Utah. Maybe riding my scooter.
But for now, I guess I'll just have to wait 18 hours before
Dad, Lucy and I drive off to see the little guy.

Wish me luck. Road trips with my dad are way too long. He has to stop, all the time.

But. I get to drive too ;-)

I'm 17 on Sunday. Crazy. And Im about to be an aunt.
The best aunt in the world, If I must.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm feeling very grateful today, maybe because It's Thursday, and thankful and Thursday just sound good together. Or maybe I'm just Thankful.

-Im thankful that I had an incredible experience at EFY, and got to spend a week and 4 days with my best friend.
-I'm thankful for my job, as crazy as it is at times, and for a super awesome boss.
-I'm grateful for the opportunnity that I was able to get my Patriarchal Blessing. It had to be one of the most amazing experiences I have been through.
-I'm grateful, that in a week or more, My Beautiful Sister will have her first baby boy. I'm so happy for her. I can't wait to meet this little guy.
-I'm grateful for my Ancestors. Ive randomly researched alot about some of them, and have come to realize that I come from a line of incredible people.
-I'm grateful that drivers Ed is almost over.
-I'm grateful that my Puppy is becoming more potty trained.
-I'm grateful for sweet old ladies, that cause you to want to appreciate everything around you.
-I'm grateful that I have so many amazing people in my life.
-I'm grateful for amazing parents, especially for you Mom, who is probably reading this at work, wondering why I'm not doing my laundry. Don't worry, I'll do it :)

I love you, whoever is reading, and you are beautiful.

End of Story.

Much Love.
Loriel Charlyn