Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My favorite little Preschool friends =]

I forgot how much fun preschool is :)
I Job Shadowed Miss Ashlee, and made alot of new Best Friends.

(Notice the one attached to my leg.. awww) haha.

I drew a pretty rad beetle, and little Baumy was drawing a lady bug... manly little fella ;)

Seems to be the cool thing...

I think I had more fun doing arts and crafts than they did...

Three of my new Boyfriends... ;)
This is what happens when you give a 3-year-old your camera
I had so much fun. I love your kids. Thanks Miss Ashlee!
xoxo- Miss Loriel :)


jjstringham said...

Aww. Thanks for posting those pics. It's always fun to get a snapshot of how Ryan acts when I'm not around. :-)

TamBaum said...

I am totally laughing at my boy picking his nose!